I started the year in a pretty weird place if I’m totally
honest. I was not long removed from a long term relationship, as a result of
said relationship mates didn’t know where to put themselves, I was skint and I was
on the dole. The future was not looking especially bright people.
As the year moved on both of my Grandparents passed away and
a few mates for one reason or another fell by the wayside. Typical stupidity. My
conscience is clear. But it was all a bit shit I can’t lie. Having said that,
while all that was going on in a strange way things were quietly clicking into
place. I was rebuilding. I started to train; a lot. By the end of the year I have
lost 2 stone and got back in shape (Still a work in progress) and completed my
first ever half marathon. I started writing, covering local bands, doing things
like gig reviews and I now class the members of these bands as friends.
In July I also made what turned out to be my best decision
of 2013. I told a girl I was selling a TV to that for an extra fiver I would
deliver the TV in person to her flat. Fast forward to today and the girl in
question is now my lovely girlfriend (Not that she wasn’t lovely before) She
would probably tell you that it was the most expensive fiver she ever spent!
And in the background while I was working a path through the
year some sport happened and some music got played. Arguably the greatest
football manager of all time Sir Alex Ferguson retired. Andy Murray won
Wimbledon. He is allowed to be British again now instead of Scottish. And in
the space of a few months England retained and then lost the Ashes.
In the world of music the Rolling Stones played Glastonbury
and failed to live up to the hype. Daft Punk released a ridiculously good
record. Mily Cyrus danced. Robin Thicke confirmed that he is a bit of a dick.
Mily Cyrus stuck her tongue out. Eminem came back and rapped his ass off and
Justin Bieber retired. All the while
Mily Cyrus danced and stuck her tongue out, and corrupted the world and its
entirely innocent population in the process.
This brings me nicely to where I am now. I’m sat on my bed
wearing not very much (Hello ladies) feeling pretty content with life. I’ve got
a new legit football website on the way called In Off The Post.net Look me up
on Facebook or find me on Twitter. (@InOffThePost13) This blog will continue to
cover more bands and bring you more of the best music doing the rounds.
Family, friends and girlfriend are all pretty damn amazing
so life is looking on track right now.
But before I leave you I am going to supply you with a few
predictions for next year….
My girlfriend will snap, hit me over the head and run for
the boarder. Manchester City will win the league. England won’t win the World
Cup. Liverpool fans will claim that 2014/15 season ‘Will be our year!’
Justin Bieber will come out of retirement. Middle class
welly wearers will continue to tell us that Glastonbury is great value for
money and totally awesome, all about the experience and not so much about the music.
This despite the fact that we all know completely the opposite is true. Crap
songs will get to number 1 causing people like me to moan about them.
And finally… I will be arrested on entirely false charges in
a Premier Inn in Derby. I will be discovered in bed with Lizzy Hale (My
girlfriend has left me remember, don’t judge) while Jason Statham irons a pair
of socks in the mirror… naked.
Thank you. It has been a pleasure as always. See you soon.