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Saturday, 3 May 2014

EP Review: The Delta Rhythm - Break The Surface

Ever since I was a kid I have been fascinated by and held a deep admiration for people who thought outside of the box. People who lived life on their own terms, didn’t follow trends and did what they wanted to do. Like everyone they had their own set of beliefs and principles but the difference was they would stick to their beliefs and principles and beliefs regardless. It didn’t matter that sometimes people would disagree and cause conflict, what mattered was that they went to bat for what they believed was right. They were going to be themselves even if that meant going totally against the grain.

As a result I have always felt drawn to sports stars like Muhammad Ali, Aryton Senna and Roy Keane. Straight away musically I was pulled towards people like Johnny Cash, Jimi Hendrix and Tupac; life was on their terms and nobody else’s.

Right now many of you will be wondering what this has to do with anything but trust me there’s a method to my self-indulgence. In the music industry, especially where the mainstream is concerned there are numerous trends and even more artists trying to follow them, and to me that’s really sad. But thankfully not all bands are like this and some go their own way and do their own thing and I’ve found one of these bands and they go by the name of The Delta Rhythm.

The Delta Rhythm are made up of Sami Cornick (Lead vocals) Gregg Freeman (Rhythm & Lead guitar) Ben Adams (Bass) and Martyn Todd (Drums) They describe themselves as ‘a cross-breed of Blues, Indie and Prog Rock’ and say that they are ‘focussed on bringing a mixture of heart churning Blues, head banging rock, foot-tapping indie and soul diving prog to the world.’ I can assure you ladies and gentlemen that the band are all of these things and more.

Break The Surface Kicks off with California rock inspired ‘Ticking Bomb.’ As is the case with the rest of the EP there also elements of blues as well as country as things get underway in catchy up tempo fashion. As well as having a great voice Cornick has a way of delivering the verses which falls somewhere between singing and just speaking which gives the track added character.

‘Singing The Blues’ is another brilliantly upbeat track. With its fusion of blues, country and rockabilly the track is like a throwback to a bygone era. The central guitar riff and drum beat are simple yet effective and push the track forward into a more raucous chorus. Following some nice guitar work the second verse opens with a bit of an effect on the vocal which helps put a modern twist on what is a great old style track.

The final track on the EP is a sultry ode to Sunday mornings and lazy weekends called ‘Better Things.’ Here the tempo drops right down as the track describes what to me sounds like a pretty ideal idle weekend. The introduction of a piano in an instrumental section is a great addition and is quite a nice surprise. This is my favourite track and it rounds the whole record off as a whole really well.  You could have had the worst day imaginable but put press play on this song and you’ll drift away to friendlier, happier times safe in the knowledge that everything is going to be alright.

I opened this review talking about my admiration for people who stick to their guns and don’t follow trends and to me this seems to describe The Delta Rhythm. New bands coming out just don’t sound like this, they are different to 99% of the stuff out right now and it’s brilliant. The production is flawless, the guitar work is great, the rhythm section is on point and I challenge you not to fall in love with Sami Cornick’s voice.

We are constantly regaled with stories about songs and bands gone by and how ‘They don’t make them like this anymore’ well all those people are wrong, because they do, and I’ve found the proof, Birmingham’s own The Delta Rhythm.

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