Some of you may remember just a month over ago I reviewed
the previous single from these guys and well it took me a while to warm to it.
For a long time I just wasn’t sure about it. Even when I did grow to like the
record it still didn’t quite feel like a single to me, there wasn’t quite that
killer hook you really need from a single. This isn’t to say that it wasn’t a
good track because it is; I just didn’t think that as a single it didn’t tick
enough boxes.
Well The Sonic Revolvers are back with a brand new track
called ‘Wishing Well’ and it is fantastic. It is so much more instant ‘Loco
Lifestyle,’ the guitar riff right from the off really pulls you in. The track
is just heavier all over and it’s all the better for it, the song writing also
feels a bit more rounded and a bit more polished. The vocal is totally on point
and the guitar solo is first class.
I think the whole song just works on every level, it’s a great
track in its own right plus it works brilliantly well as a single, it really gives
the first time listener something to hook onto.
As I keep saying and will keep saying there are some
brilliantly talented rock bands out there at the minute putting out some
fantastic music, and on this evidence The Sonic Revolvers and ‘Wishing Well’
are right up there.
‘Wishing Well’ is
officially released on 2nd June, but you can hear the track by
clicking the link below.
I was so the 1st person to download the track from iTunes