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Friday, 4 July 2014

Single Review: Constant State - Another Song Of The Blues

This track has been kicking around for a while but as it’s only just been thrown my way I’m going to give it a spin round anyway.

Constant State like seemingly every other band that I seem to end up featuring on here these days are based in Edinburgh, not that you would know that from their sound, but I’ll get to that in a minute. The band themselves are Calumn Hunter (Vocals) Stephen Hill (Lead guitar, vocals) Brian Philp (Rhythm guitar) Lee Moncur (Bass) and Dave Bellingham. (Drums)

The list of the bands influences reads like a who’s who of Brit-pop circa 1994 and that really shines through in their music and beyond. ‘Another Song Of The Blues’ is like a tribute to that era for those of us who missed it the first time around. The vocal is in best Liam Gallagher style; the track itself sounds like an early Oasis tune and the bands image has series echoes of the Manchester legends look back in the early to mid-90’s.

Now I am a massive Oasis fan, especially their early stuff so this track is right up my street. It’s pretty catchy, the guitar solo is neat and tidy, and all in all the track is a nice listen. My only reservation would be that in future the band will need to get a bit more variation and develop their own sound a little bit more. Purely because if they follow down the path they are currently on too closely they will just end up sounding like an Oasis tribute act, but that discussion is for another day.

As for the here and now this is a pretty nice track, sure it’s nothing ground breaking but not every piece of music has to be. ‘Another Song Of The Blues’ does its job and does it well, certainly worth 4 minutes of your time. 

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